Friday, May 22, 2009

Test(-Kitchen Pizza)

Shamelessly using this blog to test cutting capacity for this hot new film blog.

So, follow this really cool recipe:



1. Pull dough out of fridge (it should be given about 10 minutes to warm at room temp before you begin kneeding it.
2. Chop peppers and onions.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Walnut-Encrusted Baked Brie with Lingonberries, Baguette, and Tossed Salad with Blush Wine Dressing

Continuing with the gormett recipes:

Walnut-Encrusted Baked Brie with Lingonberries, Baguette, and Tossed Salad with Blush Wine Dressing

First, make the salad:

one bunch of arugula (which Katie claims to have purchased just because it was cheaper than regular lettuce, but we all know she's being super gormett)
one green tomato (another thing she claims was cheaper)
approximately six baby carrots
one red pepper
one half of a Vidalia onion
blush wine vinaigrette (store-bought, because that's how gormett chefs roll)

Tear up the lettuce, chop up all other ingredients, toss all together. Wait to add dressing until the cheese is ready.

Then make the cheese:

We bought a wedge of what must have been a very large wheel of brie, but I'm thinking it would work better with a small wheel. Regardless, the wedge was delicious.

one large wedge/small wheel of brie
about ten walnut halves

Take your brie. Spread butter on the top. Chop the walnuts into little pieces and sprinkle on top of the brie. Ours looked like this:

Stick it on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about ten to twelve minutes, or until the cheese looks sufficiently delicious and melty. We took ours out and then ended up sticking it back in the oven for a few more minutes, while watching it like hawks.

Almost finally, the bread:

Stick it in the oven for a couple of minutes, ideally toward the end of the time the cheese is baking so that both come out at the same time.

Really finally, the lingonberries:

Ours came in a jar. It said 'Lingonberries from the Swedish forests' on it. They are delicious.

All together:

Raspberries with Plain Yogurt

This one's so easy it's not even really a recipe (say: reh-CIPE; none of that RE-si-pee business). It is, however, delicious.

Raspberries with Plain Yogurt

Just like the title says: Wash some raspberries, put some plain (Greek style) yogurt in a bowl, put the raspberries on top. Done and done.